Innovation Park in Charlotte, North Carolina, is the 200-acre redevelopment of a suburban IBM complex into an office park focused on fitness and health. Developed by BECO South LLC and designed by Redline Design Group, this project features amenities promoting work/life balance and well-being. Outdoor and indoor wifi-enabled brainstorming spaces, charging stations for electric cars, subsidized daycare, a dry cleaner, a farmers’ market, and multiple on-site food options provide tenants with an opportunity to collaborate and unwind.
Indoors is the BECO Fitness Center, which offers YMCA-led classes twice a day, an eight-week wellness program, individual audio-visual stations, and strength building equipment. Annually, over a two-hour lunch session, local chiropractors, life coaches, nutritionists, and other alternative health care professionals meet with employees to encourage active lifestyles. Innovation Park also features a popular bikesharing program with trainings and group rides organized by the YMCA. An indoor track for walking groups and joggers connects the 13 buildings of the complex.
Learn more about Innovation Park in ULI’s Building for Wellness: The Business Case report.